Step 1: The Client Consultation

But how can businesses find these veterans?

Your company is unique. It has its own blend of culture, style and environment. When you have a job opening, you want to be confident the new employee will be a good fit with your organization.


Our Recruiting Roadmap gathers information about the position’s skill requirements and provides hiring managers a defined approach to communicate their priorities. At the same time, it articulates what makes your organization unique.

Step 2: The Recruitment Phase

You are hiring a person, not just a skill set. Our Military Referral Network – developed over three decades of personnel recruiting – draws on an extensive network of government, academic and industry resources to identify qualified veterans who meet specific hiring criteria for both experience and corporate culture


Our expansive network allows us to quickly cast a wide net to interested and qualified veterans. We expedite the search for outstanding individuals who fit your organization. You save time and resources by only interviewing only candidates who are well-matched to your company’s needs and philosophy.

Step 3: The Candidate Presentation

Our Military Based Candidate Matrix clearly explains how skills acquired in the military transfer to civilian positions.

Step 4: The Interview process

It’s time to meet the best candidates in person. During this stage, we will coordinate the scheduling of face-to-face meetings. At Division 10 Personnel, we understand the value in using a deliberate, common-sense approach. With this goal in mind, we provide a valuable step-by-step Hiring Guide to direct employers through the entire process. This simple manual should help increase the success rate in hiring outstanding employees.
The Hiring Guide’s steps include:

1. Develop Job Description
2. Conduct Interviews
3. Sell Your Job Opportunity
4. Select Pre-Employment Tests
5. Complete Background Checks
6. Compose Offer Letter

Step 5: The Onboarding Stage

You’ve found the right candidate. Now you need to ensure that the hired individual has a successful introduction to the company.

The New Employee Coach helps refine your most critical tools, techniques and processes to ease the transition for the new team member. This flexible manual offers guidelines to structure duties for new employees, and assists in prioritizing their job responsibilities. As importantly, its contents help communicate your needs to your new employee.

The Employee Coach includes:
1. Crucial Job Proficiencies
2. Staff Resources 3. 30 Day Sprint
4. Thinking About Change
5. Onboarding Checklist
6. New Employee Handbook

Step 6: The Financial Benefit Review

Businesses can take advantage of generous financial incentives that are offered for hiring military veterans. In addition to federal tax credits, the government offers numerous programs to fund training for newly hired veterans. In certain circumstances, the federal government will pay up to half of the veteran’s salary.

Our complete Military Tax Toolkit includes specific “CPA advised” instructions to administer your program. Our experts ensure that you get a financial “leg up” with every applicable incentive. We provide information to help you leverage all the financial benefits available to your company